Tuesday, January 17, 2017

It's a New Year - What's The Big Deal?

It’s a New Year – What's The Big Deal?

The big deal is our health!  The holidays are a memory and a new year has just begun.  This time of year can sometimes leave us feeling lonely, especially if our families are living in other places and we were not able to celebrate this joyous time with them.  Some people are exhausted from the holiday hoop-la of shopping, wrapping gifts, parties and cooking and baking.  And some are affected by the stress of an ongoing illness or condition, possibly made worse by the holiday rush.  For the majority, there is all of that including the daily grinds of a full time job or career.  In my case, the holidays, a full time job, evening classes and taking the steps necessary to launch a holistic nutrition coaching business fill my every day!  Even if you were lucky enough to have a few days off- you could probably use a vacation right about now!

You’re in luck!  The good news is there are actions we can take to bring 'nutrition' into our lives that will quickly and directly improve the health of our spiritual body, our physical body, and our emotional body.  This is the first part in a series of 'nutrition' tips that can easily be implemented in your life, even for those busy parents of teens or toddlers!

Prayer and Meditation – the fast track to calm

I Affirm that my life and my health are Divine order.  I am healthy and whole and I radiate peace and joy throughout the day.

Beginning each day with expressing our gratitude and giving thanks for each of our blessings is a great way to bring a sense of peace and calm to the day.  There are many ways to do this, it’s important that you find the way that resonates with you.

Some like to pray, some like to meditate, some find a calm in reading scripture or other spiritually related materials.  You may be one who likes to sing in the shower – I say, CRANK IT UP!  There are even some who prefer to begin the day with a physical exercise routine.  If you have small children, given time, they too will learn to sit still for a bit for a quick meditation.  And what child doesn't like a story?

Daily affirmations are a great way to add a calming to your day.  An affirmation is a statement of emotional support or encouragement, much like the affirmation above.  You can make these up for yourself or read other’s affirmations such as  from Louise Hay, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue or Marianne Williamson – just to name a few.  Some people like to write their affirmations on a post-it and hang them where they will read them often.  As you include this as part of your daily practice you will find ways that work for you.

A gratitude journal is another great way to express the blessings we are grateful for.  I first began a gratitude journal many years ago; the Girl Scout troop I was blessed to be the leader of was fulfilling requirements to earn a badge.  One of those requirements was to start a gratitude journal.  My journal continues to this day although some days I don’t get a chance to write, but after years of practice I say (in my mind) statements of gratitude throughout the day. 

Get involved with a church or a community organization where you can volunteer your gifts. Or join with your kids in their extra-curricular sports, scouts or clubs, or somehow surround yourself with like-minded people of your faith who can lift you, support you and encourage you, are great ways to bring calm to your life and allow you to express your gifts.

Taking time for your self isn’t always easy.  Even if it’s only a few minutes to sit quiet and…just breathe.  Close your eyes... listen to the sound of your heart beating in your chest.  Feel how your diaphragm moves up... and down… as your lungs fill with air… and then gently... release.  Practicing this with young children will teach them to be calm as well.  For busy parents of kids of any age, finding these few moments can be a challenge.  As I remember,  the bathroom was a good place to hang out for a bit!

Many of my friends and family, including myself, incorporate all or most of these practices in our every day.  In the blogs that follow, I will share additional tips for easy ways all of us can bring 'nutrition' into our lives.  The key to this tip and the ones to follow is practice.  Some tips may already be part of your life and others may be new concepts.  This year is the year.  Whatever changes you choose to make, take baby steps.  You want the changes to be lasting lifestyle changes not overwhelming fads that leave you behind where you started.

Blessings my friends, for a long and healthy life!

Linda Zollars

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